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Sustainable Sport

Now is the time.....

As we recover from the global pandemic, the reality of the climate and environment crisis is coming back into focus.  No longer a future threat, the need to act now, to build back greener, to future proof our sports industry, has never been stronger.


With the UK hosting the COP26 Climate Conference in 2021, this is the 'Decade of Action' to meet climate targets and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We all must play our part, Governments, businesses and the public, to turn around the Climate Emergency before it is too late. 


Momentum is building with the United Nations Sports for Climate Action framework, and more and more sports are taking on the sustainability challenge. Your people, especially the young, expect it. The future sustainability of our sports depends on it. So now is the time...

Are you ready?.....


Net Zero Carbon

By switching to clean renewable energy sources to provide power, light, heat and fuel, and by choosing green infrastructure designs and technologies in our sports facilities and buildings, we can help reduce the amount of climate change causing carbon and other greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere.


Encouraging fans and athletes to use Sustainable Transport and Active Travel options, and promoting low carbon food choices, can further help reduce our carbon footprint.


Making the transition to carbon neutral and the end goal of net zero carbon will contribute to government climate targets and will have substantial financial benefits for our sports businesses too.

Climate Resilience

Our climate is changing and in Northern Europe we can expect warmer, wetter winters and drier hotter summers with more variable and extreme weather events. This is causing an increase in disruption and longer term challenges for where, how and when we play our sports.


We can expect more intense rainfall, storm events and sea level rises, increasing the risk of flooding and coastal erosion. 


As temperatures rise, more extreme heat waves, droughts, water scarcity and wildfires are affecting our sports fields and the health of those taking part. Winter and snow sports are also being negatively affected by the rising temperatures.

Understanding climate risks and having a plan for mitigation and adaption will enable our sports to be resilient to current and future climate challenges.

Environment Protection and Biodiversity

Protecting the land, water and air around which we play our sports, through pollution prevention, sustainable turf management and drainage, reduces any negative environmental and public health impacts and ensures compliance with legislation and regulations.


Many of our sports are intrinsically linked to our natural world. Protecting and restoring the surrounding natural habitats that are so vital for many of our sports, will improve our ecological footprint, reduce species decline and protect the biodiversity and natural capital we rely on.

Nature-Based Solutions can also improve environmental quality by removing carbon and pollutants from the atmosphere, improving the health and wellbeing of us all.


Resource Efficiency

Reducing the amount of energy we use, conserving water and using less materials and products through efficient and innovative technologies, will lead to reduced waste and emissions and substantial operational cost savings.


Removing single use plastics is one key action in the drive for #zerowaste and pollution prevention.

Circular Economy

Sustainable procurement, choosing products that are reusable, recycled, or recyclable and avoiding landfill by minimising and recycling waste, will be positive for the environment and bring supply chain resilience and financial benefits for sports businesses while also delivering 'one-planet' prosperity.



Having sustainability ambitions and taking strategic action, demonstrates to all stakeholders a commitment to long term sustainable business resilience and growth, leading to stronger partnerships and commercial opportunities.


Promoting responsible sustainability activities, progress and success with staff, club members, players and supporters, can boost morale and encourage further support for your sustainability goals. The positive PR benefits can also help to grow your fanbase and participation programmes. 


Sport is at the heart of our communities. Whether taking part or just watching, for many it is how we stay fit, socialise and switch off from working life.

By using sport's unique platform to inspire wider sustainability activities and initiatives, sports clubs and facilities can become a social hub of our society. Engaging with local young people, residents, groups and businesses can lead to positive climate and environmental sustainability action, improving social inclusion and diversity.

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